The exciting first step into treasury, corporate finance and financial markets that equips you with knowledge and tactical ‘hands-on’ skills.

Study time
1-3 months

Course £860
Membership £139
Assessment £150
Become a trusted treasury professional, relied upon for your operational competencies and technical know-how. You’ll add value to the business or your clients by offering practical guidance to colleagues, while driving continuous improvements.

Study time
9-12 months

Entry requirements
Successful completion of CertTF, qualified accountant, relevant degree or prior industry experience. See entry routes

Learning material fee per unit £520
Membership £235
Assessment fee per unit £225
Become a confident professional across all areas of treasury management. You’ll be the go-to person for in-depth technical treasury expertise, and respected for your ability to problem solve and enable the business to meet its objectives.

Study time
12-18 months

Entry requirements
Successful completion of the Certificate in Treasury or prior industry experience via the Direct Entry route. See entry routes

Learning material fee per unit £855
Membership £235
Assessment fee per unit £370