The Ethical Code and Disciplinary Rules
The ethical code and disciplinary rules apply to all members of the ACT, as defined in the Bye-laws, namely:
- Honorary Fellows;
- Fellows;
- Members;
- Associate Members;
- Corporate Members;
- Duly appointed representatives of Corporate Members;
- Affiliate Members;
- Student Members; and
- Such other members as Council may from time to time determine
The ethical code and disciplinary rules provide an effective framework for the conduct of treasury activities. Procedures for dealing with those who are found to be in breach of the Code have helped ensure that treasurers act in accordance with the highest professional standards. Any person concerned about the conduct of a member, student, affiliate member, member of the ACT management team, Council or any of its committees should refer in the first instance to the speaking up policy.
- Ethical Code & Disciplinary Rules
- The importance of ethics when regulation has become more all embracing is discussed in Ethics in an Era of Regulation.