Learn and grow with the ACT

In addition to treasury and cash management, the ACT provides the opportunity to learn from experts in the field about several exciting and relevant topics.

We offer a series of short online courses available through different partners.

All of our on-demand courses are self-paced and can be completed within 2-4 weeks.

Discover our specialist courses:


Sustainability: An Introduction to ESG

Learn what Environmental, Social and Governance is and how it could transform your approach to ethics and the environment.

2 weeks | 3 hours per week

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Sustainability: The Role of Private Sector

Understand the pivotal role that green bonds, green loans, and private sector finance play in promoting sustainability and ESG.

2 weeks | 3 hours per week

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Sustainability: The Role of Non-Financial Reporting

Understand the types of non-financial reporting stakeholders are asking for and how companies should handle these requests.

2 weeks | 3 hours per week

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NEW Generative AI in Corporate Treasury

Generative AI is revolutionising multiple fields, and corporate treasury is no exception. Learn how to leverage AI and GenAI effectively, ensuring you stay competitive and proficient in using tools and applications to enhance your strategic financial operations.

4 weeks | 15 minutes per day

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Introduction to Applied Leadership and Self-Development: The Fundamental Tools

Master the fundamentals of leadership and gain the skills you need to be a trusted, resilient and successful leader.

4 weeks | 4 hours per week

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Applied Leadership and Self-Development: Expanding the Toolkit

Learn how to harness your talents and empower others by taking a more strategic and strengths-based approach to leadership.

4 weeks | 4 hours per week

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Applied Leadership and Self-Development: The Final Steps to Mastery

Progress in your career as you follow practical steps to help you become a successful leader in any business.

4 weeks | 3 hours per week

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Special discount for students studying our specialist topics

Want to continue learning with the ACT? If you have completed any of our specialist online courses, you can get 15% off* on our qualification learning materials or any of our training and eLearning courses.

To benefit from these exclusive offers, please contact learning@treasurers.org to discuss your next steps.

Join the ACT treasury community

Completed one of our specialist online courses and want to continue your professional development journey? Join our dynamic global community and gain access to resources and support from the very best treasury experts. Become an eAffiliate member today to receive a 50% discount*.

See the ACT eAffiliate membership benefits